Balanced Care Podiatry

The team at Balanced Care Podiatry pride themselves on specialising in aged care.

Balanced Care Podiatry

The team at Balanced Care Podiatry offer a specialised, professional service from an experienced team of podiatrists. Our staff are adept in clinical management and extremely knowledgeable and thorough with the documentation required in aged care facilities.

Each Aged Care Facility is provided with the same regular podiatrist to create the framework for building relationships with both staff and residents. We realise and appreciate the importance of continuity of service, treatment and assessment so your residents can look forward to seeing their own, regular podiatrist and your staff can always be confident of our dependable podiatry care.

Our monthly staff professional development education ensures we continue to be the industry innovators, and leaders in clinical management and ACFI/accreditation proficiency.

Our team culture is strong and are staff are always reliable. Whenever sick or personal leave is taken by a staff member, there is always another podiatry team member ready to step in so treatment dates are never missed.

We have multiple podiatry managers working all over Victoria ensuring any emergency visits are always seen to promptly.